What does being on a pilgrimage to India mean?

himalayan masters

COURAGE LETTING GO TRANSFORMING EMBRACING SPIRITUAL LESSONS SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE TRUST LOVE These are a few words I’d use, to sum up traveling through India. I’ve traveled through this amazing country four times, and I continue to go back for more. There are so many stories and lessons I could share and it’s difficult,…

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True Confessions: What It’s Really Like To Be A Yogi In India

Yogi in India

My fascination with all things India started in 1967 when John, Paul, George and Ringo befriended the Maharishi (‘Great Seer’), Mahesh Yogi, who introduced transcendental meditation to the West and gained fame in the 1960s as the spiritual guru to the masses.  I was transfixed with his voice, look and gestures. I attended my first…

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Why Should I Take a Pilgrimage to India?

himalayan masters

By Yogi Aaron Make a pilgrimage: go back in time to propel your practice forward. India. Nepal. Tibet. Thailand. The Holy Land. Why should I take a pilgrimage to India and these distant places? The very names of these faraway places conjure images of the colorful and exotic. Travel to the origins of Yoga, Hinduism,…

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A Saraswati Meditation For Knowledge

Lately, I’ve been all about the Hindu pantheon. Each image of Hindu deities are so beautifully intricate and exotic, sometimes depicted as the fantastic merging of human and beast, each representation loaded with detail and symbolism. There are the biggies like Shiva, Parvati and Vishnu, and we all know and love the elephant-headed remover of…

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Yoga and Alcohol: How to Drink and Practice Safely

Yogi Drinking Alcohol by the pool

To drink or not to drink? That is (one of) the yogi questions. So, is it okay for yogis to drink alcohol? As a general rule, it’s not a good idea to be under the influence while practicing yoga because of the effects alcohol can have on the system. Drinking and partaking in yoga can…

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Yoga Opens the Door to Freedom

yoga practice opens the door to your freedom

Yoga can ultimately have the potential to set itself apart from mainstream spiritual organizations by virtue of the fact that we address the wild, untamed, ‘dirty’ and unmentionable parts of our own humanity. In order for us to find out who it is that we truly are, I believe quite firmly that we cannot just…

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Confessions of a Yoga Teacher – Why are we here?


What are your foundational beliefs about life? Why are we here? I believe that each human soul has a unique purpose or dharma, with special gifts and talents to offer the world; and that we are born to discover this purpose, and then serve the greater good through our individual expression of the divinity within.…

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How Yoga Helps Us Confront Our Fears

Costa Rica Osa Peninsula Yoga Meditation

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” Plato Fear is a signal of a threat – It is also a necessary tool for survival, think of an oncoming buffalo (or bus). We were not born into a…

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Confessions Of A Yoga Teacher – How I Overcome My Fear


This is a confession series with four yoga retreat leaders.  They share their thoughts on fear, courage, adventure, what scares them the most, and how they deal with fear. The following is written Martin Scott, who came to Blue Osa to and led the Clear Your Mind & Unwind retreat! Fear stops us from realizing…

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Step Into Your Fear

practice becoming fearless yoga hollis costa rica retreat

A few years ago before the winter solstice, as the days grew darker and shorter, I began to notice how my attention shifted to the “dark” areas of my life. I came to realize that the practice of yoga can ultimately have the potential to set us yogis apart from others by virtue of the…

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All you need is 5 minutes per lesson and it's FREE!

This revolutionary approach to yoga is new, and no one else is teaching this! Since I created Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ and started teaching it consistently, I've witnessed students heal long-standing injuries, access yoga postures they never thought possible, and tell me over and over again how their body just feels better.

I hope you'll join me on this journey!

~Yogi Aaron

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Is Yoga Teacher Training Right For Me?

We Created This FREE 5 Part Series So You Can Get All The Information To Make The Right Choice.

In this series, you will learn:

    • Am I a candidate for yoga teacher training??
    • What will I learn in a YTT?
    • Do I need to have a perfect downward dog to attend YTT?

14-Day 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Costa Rica

If you are looking for a 14-day 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Costa Rica Immersion, you have landed in the right place. Join the next one!

300-Hour, 28-Day Yoga Teacher Training

Do You Feel Called To Something Greater?

This 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training immersion training at Blue Osa will immerse you in yoga for one month.

You will have the specific transformational skills and yogic practices you need in order to connect with your higher purpose.

And more! You will be able to offer these transformative skills to others!

Join the next one!